Table of contents
September 1953 - Volume 12 - 3
- Natural History of Arthritis Following Venereal Urethritis (1 September, 1953)
- Choice of Operation in Chronic Arthritis of the Hip (1 September, 1953)
- Sources of Error in the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (1 September, 1953)
- Association of Sjögren's and Felty's Syndromes (1 September, 1953)
- Dyspeptic Backache (1 September, 1953)
- Effect of Pregnancy on the Onset and Course of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1 September, 1953)
- Morbidity of Rheumatoid Arthritis (1 September, 1953)
- Ligue Internationale contre le Rhumatisme (1 September, 1953)
- Heberden Society (1 September, 1953)
- Società Italiana di Reumatologia (1 September, 1953)
- An Investigation of Physical Treatment at the British Spas (1 September, 1953)
- B.M.A. Annual Meeting, Cardiff, 1953 (1 September, 1953)
- Abstracts (1 September, 1953)
Book Reviews
- Cortisone and ACTH in Clinical Practice (1 September, 1953)
- Pelvo-Spondylitis Ossificans in the Male and Genito-Urinary Infection (1 September, 1953)
- The Suprarenal Cortex (1 September, 1953)
- Comroe's Arthritis and Allied Conditions (1 September, 1953)
- Press Guide to British Chemicals and their Manufacturers (1 September, 1953)