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Effect of sulphasalazine in patients with active Crohn's disease: a controlled double-blind study.
  1. P A Van Hees,
  2. H J Van Lier,
  3. P H Van Elteren,
  4. M Driessen,
  5. R A Van Hogezand,
  6. G P Ten Velde,
  7. J H Bakker,
  8. J H Van Tongeren


    The response of active Crohn's disease to sulphasalazine (4-6 g per day) has been studied in a placebo-controlled trial. The study was carried out at two hospitals. From August 1977 to August 1979 all patients with established Crohn's disease were examined for their eligibility for the trial. A nine-item index of inflammatory activity was used as the primary measure of response. The variables in this index were serum albumin, ESR, body weight released to height, abdominal mass, temperature, stool consistency, bowel resection, and extraintestinal symptoms related to Crohn's disease. A favourable response to therapy was defined as a decrease of the activity index with 25% or more at the end of the trial period, compared with the initial value. Twenty-six patients (13 in each treatment group) have been followed up for six months. The response of active Crohn's disease to sulphasalazine was significantly better than to placebo.

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