Table 2

Variables predicting the extent of vascular inflammation on ultrasound

Dependent variablePredicting variableFinal model of multiple linear regression B (95% CI)P value
Halo countAge
Sex1.109 (0.172 to 2.047)*0.021
Ocular ischaemia1.103 (0.089 to 2.116)*0.034
Two or more systemic symptoms
Temporal artery palpable changes
Halo ScoreAge
Sex2.902 (0.100 to 6.984)†0.041
Ocular ischaemia3.488 (0.305 to 8.143)†0.028
Polymyalgia2.813 (−0.053 to 7.080)†0.056
Two or more systemic symptoms
Temporal artery palpable changes
  • Data are shown for baseline halo count and Halo Scores in patients with GCA (n=58). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed with backward exclusion of predicting variables. Since the Halo Score was not normally distributed, the Halo Score was transformed by square root. The probability of F for removal was 0.10. Results of the final model are shown. Age in years. Sex: 0=female, 1=male. Ocular ischaemia (ie, anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy, posterior ischaemic optic neuropathy and/or relative afferent pupillary defect), polymyalgia, two or more systemic symptoms (ie, anorexia, fever/night sweats, fatigue), temporal artery palpable changes (ie, thickening and/or loss of pulse): 0=absent, 1=present. (−) Variable removed due to backward exclusion.

  • *R2=0.157, F(2,55) = 5.138, p=0.009.

  • †R2=0.207, F(3,54) = 4.688, p=0.006.

  • GCA, giant cell arteritis.