Alternate date of disease**
SUA (μmol/L) % (N) OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p
All-cause dementia (n=110)
<75th percentile5.7 (68)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)
≥75th percentile10.3 (42)1.63 (1.11; 2.41)0.0131.8 (1.18; 2.74)0.0071.8 (1.17; 2.75)0.0071.88 (1.22; 2.89)0.004
Alzheimer’s disease (n=76)
<75th percentile4.2 (49)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)
≥75th percentile6.9 (27)1.45 (0.90; 2.34)0.131.56 (0.93; 2.61)0.091.58 (0.94; 2.66)0.081.64 (0.97; 2.77)0.06
Vascular or mixed dementia (n=20)
<75th percentile0.8 (9)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)1.00 (ref.)
≥75th percentile2.9 (11)3.06 (1.27; 7.41)0.0133.97 (1.40; 11.31)0.013.8 (1.30; 11.09)0.0153.69 (1.26; 10.78)0.017
  • *Hyperuricemia: ≥360 µmol/L for men, ≥300 µmol/L for women.

  • †Model 1: adjusted for age, gender.

  • ‡Model 2: model 1 + BMI, tobacco and alcohol consumption, cholesterol (LDL and HDL), triglycerides, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, interaction between hypertension and time (age at last follow-up or dementia occurrence), history of cardiovascular disease and glomerular filtration rate.

  • § Model 3: model 2 + NSAIDs, aspirin or diuretics.

  • ¶Model 4: model 3 + CRP, IL-6 levels and interaction between IL-6 and time (age at last follow-up or dementia occurrence).

  • **Date of first visit with dementia (ie, date of diagnosis) was used as date of disease instead of middle of interval between last visit without dementia and first visit with dementia.

  • APOE, apolipoprotein E; BMI, body mass index; CRP, C reactive protein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; IL, interleukin; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SUA, serum uric acid.

  • Cutoffs gender-specific for SUA: 75th percentile=345 for men, 292 for women.