Table 2

Results of major and other key secondary endpoints

50 mg q4w
100 mg q2w
HAQ-DI change from baseline at week 24, mean (SD)*–0.22 (0.53)–0.43 (0.58)†–0.46 (0.57)†
ACR50 at week 16, n (%)‡60 (10.8)167 (30.0)§146 (26.2)§
ACR50 at week 24, n (%)¶69 (12.4)168 (30.2)§185 (33.2)§
ACR50 at week 52, n (%)**77 (13.8)169 (30.3)§198 (35.5)§
ACR70 at week 16, n (%)‡22 (4.0%)75 (13.5%)§75 (13.5%)§
ACR70 at week 24, n (%)¶19 (3.4%)83 (14.9%)§91 (16.3%)§
ACR70 at week 52, n (%)**30 (5.4%)92 (16.5%)§103 (18.5%)§
DAS28 (CRP) <2.6 at week 24, n (%)¶31 (5.6)145 (26.0)§142 (25.5)§
Major clinical response by week 52, n (%)**10 (1.8)30 (5.4)§50 (9.0)§
SF-36 PCS change from baseline at week 52, mean (SD)††2.42 (6.81)5.66 (7.74)‡‡6.16 (7.23)‡‡
SF-36 MCS change from baseline at week 52, mean (SD)††2.69 (9.57)5.35 (9.64)‡‡4.77 (9.80)‡‡
  • *Based on imputed values by missing data (LOCF)/EE(LOCF).

  • †p≤0.001 versus placebo based on analysis of covariance.

  • ‡Based on imputed values by missing data (NR)/TF(NR).

  • §p≤0.01 versus placebo based on Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test.

  • ¶Based on imputed values by missing data (NR)/TF(NR)/EE(NR).

  • **Based on imputed values by missing data (NR)/TF(NR)/EE(NR)/LE(NR).

  • ††Based on imputed values by missing data (LOCF)/EE(LOCF)/LE(LOCF).

  • ‡‡p≤0.001 versus placebo based on analysis of variance.

  • ACR50/70, American College of Rheumatology 50%/70%; DAS28 (CRP), 28-joint Disease Activity Score based on C reactive protein; EE, early escape; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire–Disability Index; LE, late escape; LOCF, last observation carried forward; MCS, mental component summary; NR, non-responder; PCS, physical component summary; q2w, every 2 weeks; q4w, every 4 weeks; SF-36, Short Form-36; TF, treatment failure.