Table 1

Demographic and baseline characteristics

50 mg q4w
100 mg q2w
Female sex, n (%)436 (78.4)447 (80.3)452 (81.1)1335 (79.9)
Age, years52.9 (11.9)52.9 (11.8)53.0 (11.3)52.9 (11.7)
Race, n (%)
 White403 (72.5)397 (71.3)408 (73.2)1208 (72.3)
 Asian88 (15.8)89 (16.0)95 (17.1)272 (16.3)
 Black or African-American16 (2.9)15 (2.7)10 (1.8)41 (2.5)
 American Indian or Alaska Native6 (1.1)4 (0.7)4 (0.7)14 (0.8)
 Other*39 (7.0)49 (8.8)38 (6.8)126 (7.5)
 Not reported/unknown4 (0.7)3 (0.5)2 (0.4)9 (0.5)
Region, n (%)
 Eastern Europe271 (48.7)263 (47.2)273 (49.0)807 (48.3)
 North America85 (15.3)96 (17.2)91 (16.3)272 (16.3)
 Asia-Pacific87 (15.6)89 (16.0)91 (16.3)267 (16.0)
 Latin America73 (13.1)75 (13.5)76 (13.6)224 (13.4)
 South Africa40 (7.2)34 (6.1)26 (4.7)100 (6.0)
Weight, kg72.7 (17.4)72.3 (18.6)71.6 (17.1)72.2 (17.7)
Disease duration, years8.3 (7.0)8.7 (7.5)8.8 (7.6)8.6 (7.4)
BMI, kg/m227.4 (6.0)27.3 (6.4)27.2 (6.0)27.3 (6.2)
CRP, mg/L25 (34)24 (26)24 (26)24 (29)
RF positive, n (%)444 (79.9)433 (77.7)468 (84.0)†1345 (80.5)
Anti-CCP positive, n (%)467 (84.0)476 (85.5)484 (86.9)1427 (85.4)
SHS41.9 (46.7)41.8 (45.4)42.5 (49.3)42.1 (47.1)
HAQ-DI score, range: 0–31.6 (0.7)1.5 (0.6)1.5 (0.7)1.5 (0.6)
DAS28 (CRP)5.9 (0.9)5.9 (0.9)5.8 (0.9)‡5.9 (0.9)
Prior medication use§
 1 DMARD183 (32.9)179 (32.1)173 (31.1)535 (32.0)
 ≥2 DMARDs373 (67.1)378 (67.9)384 (68.9)1135 (68.0)
 MTX547 (98.4)550 (98.7)548 (98.4)1645 (98.5)
 Sulfasalazine174 (31.4)167 (30.0)152 (27.3)493 (29.5)
 Systemic corticosteroids422 (75.9)407 (73.1)418 (75.0)1247 (74.7)
Baseline medication use, n (%)
 DMARDs508 (91.4)517 (92.8)511 (91.7)1536 (92.0)
 NSAIDs434 (78.1)420 (75.4)454 (81.5)¶1308 (78.3)
 Corticosteroids341 (61.3)331 (59.4)360 (64.6)1032 (61.8)
  • Values are mean (SD) unless otherwise indicated.

  • Differences in demographic and baseline characteristics among groups were not significant, except where noted.

  • *No Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders were reported in any treatment group.

  • †p=0.01 versus sirukumab 50 mg q4w based on χ2 test.

  • ‡p=0.02 versus placebo based on t-test.

  • §All randomised patients took ≥1 DMARD.

  • ¶p=0.01 versus sirukumab 50 mg q4w based on χ2 test.

  • q2w, every 2 weeks; q4w, every 4 weeks; BMI, body mass index; CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS28 (CRP), 28-joint Disease Activity Score based on C reactive protein; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire–Disability Index; MTX, methotrexate; NSAID, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RF, rheumatoid factor; SHS, Sharp/van der Heijde score.