Table 2

Presents average yearly costs and income in Euros for patients with PsA and matched GPC during a 10-year period after date of diagnosis

Patients with PsAGPCp Value
Number of persons (N)10 52520 777
Health cost total 4336  2170 <0.001
 Outpatient services 1074 449<0.001
 Inpatient admissions 1914 1062<0.001
 Prescription drugs 790 379<0.001
 Primary health sector 559 279<0.001
Home care* 483 337<0.001
Income 26 429 31 879 <0.001
 Income from employment25 083 30 673<0.001
 Other income private pension1346 1206<0.001
Public transfer income total 11 525  8646 <0.001
Sick pay (public funded)790 357<0.001
Disability pension3978 1941<0.001
Early retirement 814 1079<0.001
Age pension 3974 38610.040
Other public transfers 1970 1408<0.001
Direct health costs4336 2170
Home care costs 483 337
Indirect costs, foregone earnings5450
Sum of direct and indirect costs 10 269  2507
Net costs7762
Social transfer payments11 5258646
Net costs including transfers 10 641
  • *Home care cost data are only available from 2009.

  • GPC, general population comparator; PsA, psoriatic arthritis.

  • Bold signifies the value derived from the sum of other values.