Table 1.

Summary of 156-wk efficacy results

Observed dataMissing data considereda
ASAS, % response
ASAS PR27b14b2714
Baseline, mean±SD6.1±1.56.0±1.56.1±1.5#6.0±1.5#
Mean change from baselinec−3.3±2.4b−3.0±1.7b−3.1±0.2−2.9±0.2
Secukinumab IV→150mgSecukinumab IV→75mg
Analysis by anti-TNF statusd
 ASAS20/40, % response80/6176/48
 ASAS20/40, % response81/6374/57
  • aMissing data of binary variables were imputed and for continuous variables MMRM estimates are shown. bEvaluable data available in n=86 and n=98 pts in the secukinumab IV→150mg and IV→75mg groups, respectively. cLeast squares mean±SE for MMRM estimates and mean±SD for observed data. dObserved data. eEvaluable data available in n=70 and 75 pts (naïve) and n=16 and 23 pts (IR) in the secukinumab IV→150mg and IV→75mg groups, respectively. #Observed data provided for reference. IV, pts received secukinumab 10mg/kg i.v. loading at baseline, Wks 2 and 4; N, number of pts in the extension trial.