Table 2.

Concurrent Validity of Performance Tests

r valuep*
TUG (sec)-0.713p<0.01
10 MWT (sec)-0.736p<0.01
SLST (sec)0.754p<0.01
FRT (cm)0.695p<0.01
2 MWT (m)0.792p<0.01
5x SST (sec)-0.766p<0.01
  • *Spearman Correlation Test; sec: seconds, cm: Centimeters, m: meters, TUG: Timed Up and Go Test, 10 MWT: 10 Meter Walk Test, SLST: Single Leg Stance Test, FRT: Functional Reach Test, 2 MWT: 2 Minute Walk Test, 5x SST: Five Times Sit to Stand Test.