Table 1

Baseline patient demographics, disease characteristics and treatment history (safety population)

 Filgotinib once-daily dose groupsFilgotinib twice-daily dose groups
Placebo (N=86)50 mg (N=82)100 mg (N=85)200 mg (N=86)2×25 mg (N=86)2×50 mg (N=85)2×100 mg (N=84)
Patient demographics
 Age, mean (SE), years52 (1.4)53 (1.5)52 (1.4)55 (1.3)52 (1.4)55 (1.3)54 (1.3)
 Female, n (%)70 (81.4)69 (84.1)65 (76.5)74 (86.0)68 (79.1)65 (76.5)70 (83.3)
Disease characteristics
 Duration of RA, mean (SE), years8 (0.8)7 (0.6)8 (0.7)9 (0.9)9 (0.8)8 (0.7)10 (1.0)
 Anti-CCP positive, n (%)72 (83.7)64 (78.0)60 (70.6)69 (80.2)70 (82.4)70 (82.4)68 (81.0)
 RF positive, n (%)65 (76.5)64 (78.0)57 (67.1)65 (75.6)66 (76.7)64 (75.3)65 (77.4)
 DAS28 (CRP), mean (SE)5.98 (0.088)6.08 (0.093)6.14 (0.091)6.22 (0.088)6.05 (0.086)6.10 (0.098)6.14 (0.090)
 CDAI, mean (SE)42 (1.2)41 (1.2)43 (1.3)43 (1.3)41 (1.2)42 (1.3)42 (1.2)
 SDAI, mean (SE)44 (1.3)44 (1.3)45 (1.4)46 (1.3)44 (1.3)45 (1.4)45 (1.3)
ACR components
 CRP, mean (SE), mg/L16.25 (1.567)27.71 (3.235)24.54 (2.849)27.10 (2.780)26.01 (3.142)24.60 (2.627)26.86 (2.729)
 TJC68, mean (SE)24.98 (1.345)24.91 (1.499)25.32 (1.490)28.84 (1.650)25.43 (1.420)27.16 (1.546)25.95 (1.525)
 SJC66, mean (SE)16.13 (0.8990)17.02 (1.116)16.31 (0.9387)17.36 (0.958)15.66 (0.8839)17.53 (1.124)16.36 (0.9372)
 HAQ-DI total score, mean (SE)1.692 (0.0576)1.705 (0.0690)1.700 (0.0687)1.764 (0.0606)1.696 (0.0515)1.779 (0.0611)1.775 (0.0707)
 Patient's global assessment, mean (SE)64.2 (1.96)68.2 (2.23)67.6 (2.09)68.7 (2.09)64.3 (1.95)65.7 (1.92)66.6 (2.20)
 Investigator‘s global assessment, mean (SE)66.5 (1.62)66.2 (1.55)66.4 (1.67)65.8 (1.79)63.4 (1.59)66.6 (1.71)64.6 (1.72)
 Patient's pain (VAS), mean (SE)65.7 (2.16)66.9 (2.20)65.4 (2.41)67.0 (2.16)65.7 (2.23)67.8 (2.12)67.2 (2.19)
 Methotrexate dose, mean (SE), mg/week16.5 (0.46)16.4 (0.45)16.6 (0.44)17.3 (0.47)17.5 (0.53)16.7 (0.45)17.3 (0.43)
 Methotrexate duration, mean (SE), years5 (0.4)5 (0.5)6 (0.6)5 (0.6)5 (0.6)5 (0.6)4 (0.5)
 Corticosteroids, n (%)50 (58.1)48 (58.5)47 (55.3)49 (57.0)51 (59.3)57 (67.1)50 (59.5)
 Previous bDMARDs, n (%)8 (9.3)6 (7.3)6 (7.1)11 (12.8)6 (7.0)6 (7.1)7 (8.3)
  • No significant differences for all parameters apart from a trend towards (non-significant, p=0.0555) lower mean CRP in the placebo group.

  • ACR, American College of Rheumatology; bDMARD, biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide; CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index; DAS28 (CRP), Disease Activity Score based on 28 joints and C reactive protein value; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index; N, number of patients per treatment group; n, number of patients per category; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor; SDAI, Simple Disease Activity Index; SJC66, swollen joint count based on 66 joints; TJC68, tender joint count based on 68 joints; VAS, visual analogue score.