Tabel 1. Characteristics of patients and controls

SpA (n=34)Control (n=57)P-value
Sex (% male)71%42%<0.0001 (Fisher test)
Age (y)36.4 (33.3- 39.6)39.7 (35.8–43.6)0.13 (Unpaired t-test)
Smoker32%51%0.006 (Fisher test)
BMI (kg/m2)25.3 (23.7–26.9)25.6 (24.0–27.3)0.69 (Mann-Whitney test)
Met11/Met118 (24%)21 (37%)
Met11/Thr1119 (58%)18 (32%)
Thr11/Thr116 (18%)18 (32%)
SP-D (ng/ml)1092 (725; 1541)910 (494; 1682)0.35
H/L Mw SP-D ratio0.38 (0.18; 0.53)1.49 (0.37; 3.24)0.0004
  • Age, BMI: mean with 95% CI. SP-D and H/L Mw SP-D ratio: median with 25 and 75% percentile. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare SP-D levels and H/L Mw SP-D ratios.