Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study population by treatment group

Patient characteristics and outcomesControl group (N=60)Intervention group (N=68)
Patient characteristics
 Mean age in years (SD)56 (13.3)54 (12.3)
 Male (%)22 (37%)22 (32%)
 Disease duration in years (SD)6.7 (8.9)5.2 (4.9)
 Left school after 16 years of age (%)20 (32%)15 (21%)
 Studied since leaving school (%)29 (48%)25 (37%)
OutcomesMean (SD)Mean (SD)
ASES (score range)
 ASES-Pain (5–50)25 (11.2)23 (9.1)
 ASES-Other symptoms (6–60)34 (12.7)31 (11.5)
AIMS2-SF (score range)
 AIMS2-SF: physical (0–10)3.1 (2.59)3.1 (2.03)
 AIMS2-SF: symptoms (0–10)5.0 (3.23)5.4 (2.64)
 AIMS2-SF: affect (0–10)3.7 (2.13)4.3 (2.19)
 AIMS2-SF: social (0–10)5.5 (1.73)5.6 (1.75)
 AIMS2-SF: work* (0–10)2.0 (2.69)2.3 (3.08)
ENAT† (score range)‡
 Managing pain (0–18)13.3 (3.68)
 Movement (0–15)11.0 (2.88)
 Feelings (0–12)7.7 (3.22)
 Arthritis process (0–21)16.0 (3.90)
 Treatments (0–21)15.4 (4.43)
 Self-help measures (0–18)12.6 (4.10)
 Support (0–12)7.9 (2.65)
  • *Scores are only available for the 59 (26, 33) patients who were working.

  • †ENAT was used in the intervention group only.

  • ‡ENAT scores are Rasch-transformed values.

  • AIMS2-SF, short-form of arthritis impact measurement scale (zero=good health status); ASES, Arthritis Self Efficacy Scale (higher score=greater self-efficacy); ENAT, Educational Needs Assessment Tool (zero=no need).