Table 2

Characteristics of patients stratified by the class of DMARD exposure at the time of SI

No. of SIs399174444
No. of patients370159388
Age at SI (mean (SD), years)60.7 (11.9)62.6 (11.0)64.7 (11.0)
Sex (female, n (%))298 (74.7)123 (70.7)314 (70.7)
RF positive (n (%))335 (84.0)139 (79.9)353 (79.5)
Disease duration at SI (mean (SD), years)14.5 (10.1)16.5 (10.7)14.5 (11.2)
CRP (mean (SD))16.7 (27.5)22.3 (33.2)20.9 (29.3)
DAS28 (mean (SD))4.4 (1.5)4.5 (1.6)4.4 (1.4)
% of physical function (SD)56.6 (25.5)51.0 (24.0)54.5 (25.9)
Follow-up (years, mean (SD))5.2 (2.9)3.8 (2.1)4.3 (2.5)
Hospitalisations due to SI* (n (%))283 (83.7)128 (83.1)275 (82.1)
Selected comorbidities:
 Heart failure, n (%)36 (9.0)24 (13.8)44 (9.9)
 Chronic renal disease, n (%)51 (12.8)23 (13.2)66 (14.9)
Events of interest
 Death (≤90 days) w/o sepsis, n (%)15 (3.8)3 (1.7)35 (7.9)
 Sepsis (≤30 days, n)46 (11.5)17 (9.8)74 (16.7)
 Death after sepsis, n (%)20 (43.5)11 (64.7)54 (74.0)
  • No. of patients in DMARD strata exceeds n=859 since patients with >1 SI may contribute to different treatment episodes (DMARD strata). The median time between the last study visit and the SI was 3.7 months (first quartile: 1.9 months, third quartile: 6.2 months). *Hospitalisation rates refer to SI which did not escalate to sepsis or death.

  • bDMARD, biologic DMARD; csDMARD, conventional synthetic DMARD; CRP, C reactive protein; DAS28, disease activity score (28 joint count); DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; RF, rheumatoid factor; SI, serious infection; TNFi, tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitor (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, golimumab, certolizumab), other bDMARD (tocilizumab, rituximab, abatacept); w/o, without.