Table 1

Baseline demographics and disease characteristics of patients entering the open-label period

ETN/ETN (n=102)PBO/ETN (n=106)Combined (n=208)
Age, years31.6 (7.8)32.1 (7.7)31.9 (7.8)
Male, n (%)65 (63.7)61 (57.5)126 (60.6)
White, n (%)77 (75.5)77 (72.6)154 (74.0)
BMI, kg/m225.6 (5.0)24.6 (4.1)25.1 (4.6)
Duration of disease symptoms, years2.4 (2.0)2.5 (1.8)2.5 (1.9)
HLA-B27 positive, n (%)68 (66.7)80 (75.5)148 (71.2)
CRP, mg/L7.0 (10.7)6.4 (10.6)6.7 (10.7)
Elevated CRP (>3 mg/L), n (%)48 (47.1)42 (39.6)90 (43.3)
BASDAI, 0–10 cm VAS6.0 (1.8)6.0 (1.9)6.0 (1.8)
BASFI, 0–10 cm VAS4.2 (2.4)3.8 (2.5)4.0 (2.4)
BASMI, 0–10 cm VAS1.4 (1.3)1.2 (1.3)1.3 (1.3)
Total back pain, 0–10 cm VAS5.5 (2.4)5.4 (2.4)5.5 (2.4)
PGA, 0–10 cm VAS5.7 (1.8)5.2 (1.9)5.4 (1.9)
PtGA, 0–10 cm VAS5.8 (2.2)5.8 (2.1)5.8 (2.2)
ASDAS-CRP3.0 (0.9)3.0 (1.0)3.0 (1.0)
EQ-5D utility score, range 0–10.52 (0.33)0.59 (0.28)0.56 (0.31)
SF-36 MCS, range 0–10042.3 (11.9)43.5 (11.1)42.9 (11.5)
SF-36 PCS, range 0–10037.7 (8.6)37.4 (8.3)37.5 (8.4)
WPAI overall, range 0–100*45.0 (26.2)43.9 (27.8)44.5 (26.9)
MRI sacroiliitis positive by ASAS criteria, n (%)84 (82.4)85 (80.2)169 (81.3)
SPARCC MRI SIJ score, range 0–727.9 (10.9)7.0 (11.0)7.4 (10.9)
SPARCC MRI 6-DVU spinal score, range 0–1087.6 (11.4)6.9 (9.2)7.2 (10.3)
ASspiMRI-a score, range 0–1381.6 (2.5)1.4 (1.7)1.5 (2.1)
  • *ETN/ETN, n=58; PBO/ETN, n=58.

  • Open-label safety population, except BASMI, SF-36 MCS, WPAI overall, SPARCC MRI SIJ, SPARCC MRI spinal, ASspiMRI-a, which are mITT from the double-blind period (ETN/ETN, n=106; PBO/ETN, n=109).

  • Values are shown as mean (SD) unless stated otherwise.

  • ASAS, Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society; ASDAS-CRP, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score based on C-reactive protein; ASspiMRI-a, Ankylosing Spondylitis spine MRI-activity; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; BASFI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index; BASMI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index; BMI, body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; DVU, discovertebral units; EQ-5D, EuroQol 5 Dimensions; ETN, etanercept; HLA-B27, human leucocyte antigen B27; MCS, mental component summary; mITT, modified intention-to-treat; PBO, placebo; PCS, physical component summary; PGA, physician global assessment; PtGA, patient global assessment; SF-36, 36-item Short Form Health Survey; SIJ, sacroiliac joint; SPARCC, Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada; VAS, visual analogue scale; WPAI, Work Productivity and Activity Impairment questionnaire.