Table 4

Change in patient-reported outcomes from baseline to week 26 and week 52 by week 26 CDC/ACR-EULAR remission achievement (DE019, PREMIER and OPTIMA)

CDC achievers (A)ACR-EULAR remission but not CDC
Neither ACR-EULAR remission nor CDC
Continuous outcomes*†Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)p Value
Week 26
 VAS-Pain change, N=1451−47.07 (−49.96 to −44.19)−51.59 (−59.12 to −44.05)−26.45 (−27.61 to −25.29)4.51 (−3.55 to 12.57)0.2722
 FACIT-Fatigue change, N=144013.31 (12.06 to 14.56)12.82 (9.62 to 16.01)7.42 (6.92 to 7.91)0.50 (−2.93 to 3.92)0.7764
 SF-36 mental change, N=10858.06 (6.46 to 9.67)6.05 (2.52 to 9.57)4.95 (4.35 to 5.55)2.02 (−1.85 to 5.89)0.3065
 SF-36 physical change, N=108519.69 (18.19 to 21.20)19.17 (15.91 to 22.44)8.59 (8.03 to 9.15)0.52 (−3.07 to 4.11)0.7754
Week 52
 VAS-Pain change, N=1294−45.84 (−48.87 to −42.80)−51.22 (−59.36 to −43.09)−28.52 (−29.79 to −27.26)5.39 (−3.29 to 14.07)0.2234
 FACIT-Fatigue change, N=131413.00 (11.69 to 14.31)14.16 (10.64 to 17.68)7.97 (7.44 to 8.50)−1.16 (−4.90 to 2.59)0.5441
 SF-36 mental change, N=10007.27 (5.62 to 8.93)8.19 (4.48 to 11.89)5.03 (4.39 to 5.66)−0.91 (−4.97 to 3.14)0.6580
 SF-36 physical change, N=100019.38 (17.77 to 21.00)20.54 (16.97 to 24.11)9.72 (9.11 to 10.34)−1.16 (−5.08 to 2.76)0.5626
  • *The adjusted analysis compared the mean change from baseline for each outcome by CDC/ACR-EULAR achievement using an analysis of covariance model in which the impact of achievement on change in the outcome was estimated adjusting for the baseline value of the outcome.

  • †For VAS-Pain, negative change from baseline indicates an improvement in the outcome. For FACIT-Fatigue, SF-36 Mental Health and SF-36 Physical Health, positive change from baseline indicates an improvement in the outcome.

  • ACR-EULAR, American College of Rheumatology-European League Against Rheumatism; CDC, comprehensive disease control; FACIT, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy; SF-36, Short Form 36; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.