Table 1

Patient demographics and clinical features at time of biopsy

Quadriceps (n=33)Biceps (n=22)p Value
Patient characteristic/clinical features
 Age at biopsy (years), median (IQR) 6.2 (3.3, 10)7.5 (6.0, 9.3)0.37
 Age at onset (years), median (IQR) 5.7 (3.3, 9.5)7.1 (5.7, 9.1)0.31
 Gender, female, number (%) 21 (64)17 (77)0.36
 Time between symptoms onset to biopsy (months), median (IQR) 3.0 (2.0, 6.5)2.5 (1.9, 5.4)0.17
 Strength of knee extensors by MMT,* n (%)score25 (21)4 (18)
38 (33)8 (36)0.238
47 (29)10 (46)
54 (17)0 (0)
 Strength of elbow flexion by MMT,* n (%)score22 (9)4 (18)
310 (43)8 (36)0.273
46 (26)9 (41)
55 (22)1 (5)
 CMAS,† median (IQR) 23.5 (13.3–36.8)N/AN/A
 PGA,‡ median (IQR) 5.9 (3.5–7.2)N/AN/A
 Calcinosis, n (%) 0 (0)6 (27)0.002
 Skin ulceration,** n (%) 4 (13)3 (14)0.903
 Lung involvement,** n (%) 8 (25)5 (23)0.848
 Cardiac involvement,** n (%) 0 (0)2 (9)0.161
 Gastrointestinal involvement,** n (%) 10 (31)9 (41)0.465
  • *MMT, manual muscle testing using the Medical Research Council scale, possible scores from 0 to 5.8

  • **Data available on 32 of the 33 cases.

  • †CMAS, Childhood Myositis Assessment Score, range 0–53.

  • ‡PGA, physicians global assessment, range 0.0–10.0.