Table 3

Summary of safety findings

No. of subjects (%)
eoJIA (n=60)ERA (n=38)PsA (n=29)Overall (n=127)
Treatment-emergent AEs*21 (35.0)16 (42.1)8 (27.6)45 (35.4)
Treatment-emergent AEs leading to withdrawal*02 (5.3)02 (1.6)
Treatment-emergent non-infectious AEs in ≥5% subjects
 Headache2 (3.3)2 (5.3)3 (10.3)7 (5.5)
 Abdominal pain04 (10.5)04 (3.1)
 Diarrhoea1 (1.7)3 (7.9)04 (3.1)
 Fatigue04 (10.5)04 (3.1)
 Pyrexia3 (5.0)1 (2.6)04 (3.1)
 Aspartate aminotransferase increased3 (5.0)003 (2.4)
 Myalgia03 (7.9)03 (2.4)
 Decreased appetite02 (5.3)02 (1.6)
 Back pain002 (6.9)2 (1.6)
 Epistaxis02 (5.3)02 (1.6)
 Respiratory disorder002 (6.9)2 (1.6)
 Allergic rhinitis02 (5.3)02 (1.6)
 Wheezing02 (5.3)02 (1.6)
Treatment-emergent ISRs4 (6.67)4 (10.53)2 (6.90)10 (7.87)
Treatment-emergent infections31 (51.7)15 (39.5)12 (41.4)58 (45.7)
Treatment-emergent infections leading to withdrawal1 (1.7)01 (3.4)2 (1.6)
Treatment-emergent infections ≥5% subjects
 Upper respiratory tract infection9 (15.0)4 (10.5)5 (17.2)18 (14.2)
 Pharyngitis9 (15.0)4 (10.5)2 (6.9)15 (11.8)
 Rhinitis4 (6.7)2 (5.3)2 (6.9)8 (6.3)
 Gastroenteritis3 (5.0)1 (2.6)1 (3.4)5 (3.9)
 Bronchitis1 (1.7)3 (7.9)04 (3.1)
 Sinusitis3 (5.0)003 (2.4)
Treatment-emergent SAEs*01 (2.6)01 (0.8)
Serious treatment-emergent infections2 (3.3)01 (3.4)3 (2.4)
Infections considered preventable by vaccination in subjects not previously vaccinated1 (1.7)1 (2.6)02 (1.6)
Medically important infections2 (3.3)01 (3.4)3 (2.4)
Opportunistic infections01 (2.6)01 (0.8)
  • No incidences of serious treatment-emergent injection site reactions (ISRs), infections considered preventable by vaccination in subjects previously vaccinated, autoimmune disorders, demyelinating disorders, malignancies were reported and therefore not included in this table.

  • *Excluding infections and ISRs.

  • AEs, adverse events; ERA, enthesitis-related arthritis; eoJIA, extended oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis; PsA, psoriatic arthritis; SAEs, serious AEs.