Table 4

Clinical secondary outcomes between months 0 and 36 in the full analysis set (MAR-MMRM model)

Clinical outcomes changes between months 0 and 36Placebo (n=179)ASU-E (n=166)p Value*Difference95% CI
Lequesne Index (normalised 0–100)−0.14 (1.69)1.50 (1.78)0.506−1.63 (2.45)−6.45 to 3.19
WOMAC pain (0–100 mm)−0.98 (2.17)−0.25 (2.33)0.818−0.73 (3.18)−7.00 to 5.54
WOMAC stiffness (0–100 mm)−2.29 (2.23)−1.80 (2.43)0.881−0.49 (3.30)−6.99 to 6.01
WOMAC function (0–100 mm)2.10 (2.13)1.48 (2.30)0.8430.62 (3.13)−5.55 to 6.79
Global hip pain on VAS (0–100 mm)−3.60 (2.35)−4.26 (2.51)0.8490.66 (3.43)−6.10 to 7.42
Global handicap on 0–10 scale−0.21 (0.22)−0.53 (0.24)0.3260.32 (0.32)−0.32 to 0.96
Patient's global assessment (0–100)−4.25 (2.64)−4.42 (2.84)0.9630.18 (3.87)−7.45 to 7.81
  • Values are mean (SEM).

  • *ANOVA treatment effect.

  • ASU-E, avocado–soybean unsaponifiable—Expanscience; MAR-MMRM, Missing at Random–Mixed Model for Repeated Measurements; VAS, visual analogue scale; WOMAC, Western and Ontario MacMaster University.