Table 2

Summary of disease-activity and quality-of-life clinical endpoints at week 24 for patients receiving ofatumumab or placebo

Ofatumumab 700 mg (n=129)Placebo (n=131)OR (95% CI)p Value
ACR2064/129 (50%)35/131 (27%)2.86 (1.67 to 4.91)<0.001
ACR5035/129 (27%)14/131 (11%)3.29 (1.63 to 6.62)<0.001
ACR7017/129 (13%)3/131 (2%)6.63 (1.87 to 23.51)0.001
EULAR response*87/129 (67%)54/131 (41%)3.07 (1.82 to 5.18)<0.001
Clinical remission13/129 (10%)7/131 (5%)2.09 (0.76 to 5.77)0.152
HAQ–DI response74/129 (57%)59/131 (45%)1.65 (1.01 to 2.70)0.046
Ofatumumab 700 mg (n=129)Placebo (n=131)Adjusted mean difference (95% CI)p Value
Baseline, mean (SD)5.83 (0.794)5.63 (0.800)
Week 24, mean (SD)4.12 (1.270)4.98 (1.437)
Adjusted mean (SE) change−1.77 (0.151)−0.77 (0.154)−1.00 (−1.29 to −0.72)<0.001
Baseline, mean (SD)6.59 (0.828)6.41 (0.782)
Week 24, mean (SD)4.84 (1.360)5.67 (1.439)
Adjusted mean (SE) change−1.79 (0.157)−0.80 (0.161)−0.99 (−1.29 to −0.69)<0.001
Baseline, mean (SD)1.7 (0.67)1.5 (0.65)
Week 24, mean (SD)1.2 (0.79)1.3 (0.74)
Adjusted mean (SE) change−0.53 (0.077)−0.32 (0.078)−0.22 (−0.37 to −0.07)0.004
Baseline, mean (SD)25.2 (10.00)29.5 (9.54)
Week 24, mean (SD)32.0 (11.52)30.2 (10.86)
Adjusted mean (SE) change7.29 (1.353)3.55 (1.394)3.75 (1.11 to 6.39)0.006
SF-36 physical component summary score**
Baseline, mean (SD)29.9 (6.73)31.9 (7.32)
Week 24, mean (SD)35.9 (9.28)34.8 (8.79)
Adjusted mean (SE) change6.69 (1.031)4.21 (1.048)2.48 (0.51 to 4.45)0.014
SF-36 mental component summary score**
Baseline, mean (SD)38.2 (11.77)40.1 (11.84)
Week 24, mean (SD)42.2 (11.38)40.2 (11.95)
Adjusted mean (SE) change4.60 (1.272)1.57 (1.308)3.03 (0.61 to 5.46)0.014
  • ACR20/50/70, 20%/50%/70% improvement as per American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria.

  • * EULAR response of moderate or good, based on DAS28–CRP.

  • DAS28–CRP score less than 2.6.

  • Change from baseline HAQ–DI score of 0.22 or greater.

  • § Negative change represents an improvement. Patient numbers assessed: placebo (n=130); ofatumumab (n=126).

  • ** Patient numbers assessed: placebo (n=117); ofatumumab (n=116).

  • Patient numbers assessed: placebo (n=111); ofatumumab (n=114).

  • Results are reported in accordance with EULAR/ACR collaborative recommendations.33

  • CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, disease activity score based on 28 joints; EULAR, European League Against Rheumatism; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FACIT–F, functional assessment of chronic illness therapy–fatigue; HAQ–DI, health assessment questionnaire disability index; SF-36, short-form health survey.