Table 1

Demographics at baseline and disease characteristics at randomisation

Age, years53.8 (12.1)59.6 (9.2)56.1 (11.5)56.7 (11.0)
Female gender, n (%)17 (74)18 (67)16 (70)51 (70)
Disease duration, years11.5 (7.3)16.6 (11.0)12.3 (6.1)13.6 (8.8)
Rheumatoid factor positive, n (%)15 (68)18 (67)16 (73)49 (69)
Prior treatment with DMARDs other than MTX, n (%)15 (65)17 (63)16 (70)48 (66)
Duration of ETN treatment before study start, years3.5 (1.4)3.7 (1.6)2.9 (1.5)3.4 (1.5)
DAS28 at start of ETN treatment4.9 (1.1)5.2 (1.1)4.8 (1.1)5.0 (1.1)
MTX dose12.1 (4.3)14.5 (5.0)15.1 (5.4)13.9 (5.0)
MTX dose, median (min; max)10.0 (7.5; 25.0)15.0 (7.5; 25.0)15.0 (7.5; 25.0)15.0 (7.5; 25.0)
Disease characteristics at randomisation
DAS28 remission (≤2.6), n (%)20 (91)21 (78)18 (78)59 (82)
DAS28 LDA (>2.6 to ≤3.2), n (%)2 (9)5 (19)*5 (22)12 (17)
DAS281.9 (0.6)1.9 (0.9)1.9 (0.7)1.9 (0.7)
Swollen joint count0.3 (0.8)0.4 (0.8)0.2 (0.4)0.3 (0.7)
Tender joint count0.2 (0.5)0.4 (0.8)0.5 (0.8)0.4 (0.7)
Pain VAS15.6 (18.2)13.0 (10.9)13.4 (10.1)13.9 (13.3)
HAQ-DI, median (min; max)0.25 (0.0; 1.5)0.38 (0.0; 1.5)0.13 (0.0; 1.8)0.25 (0.0; 1.8)
SvdH total score37.3 (41.6)69.3 (68.8)35.4 (30.2)48.9 (53.0)
SvdH erosion score25.1 (26.4)43.6 (39.8)26.2 (20.9)32.5 (31.7)
SvdH joint space narrowing score12.1 (16.9)25.7 (30.0)9.2 (10.8)16.4 (22.6)
  • Modified intention-to-treat population used. All values are mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.

  • *n=1 patient had DAS28 >3.2–5.1 at randomisation.

  • DAS28, disease activity score in 28 joints; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; ETN, etanercept; HAQ-DI, Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index; LDA, low disease activity; MTX, methotrexate; PBO, placebo; SvdH, Sharp van der Heijde; VAS, visual analogue score.