Table 3

Previous treatments according to the level of remission achieved during the follow-up

Prolonged complete remissionProlonged clinical remission off CSProlonged clinical remission on CSUnremitted diseasep Value
Patients (N)163335140
Hydroxychloroquine, N (%)16 (100)32 (97)31 (88.6)125 (89.3)n.s.
Methylprednisolone iv, N (%)5 (31)15 (45.5)18 (51.4)97 (69.3)0.007
Cumulative average prednisone dose >180 mg/month, N (%)6 (37.5)11 (33.3)23 (65.7)96 (68.5)0.02
Immunosuppressants, N (%)4 (25)9 (27.3)25 (71.2)122 (87.1)<0.001
 Azathioprine, N (%)3 (18.8)1 (3.0)12 (34.3)64 (45.7)0.001
  Mycophenolate, N (%)1 (6.3)3 (9.1)12 (34.3)82 (58.6)<0.001
 Ciclosporin, N (%)1 (6.3)1 (3.0)6 (14.3)33 (23.6)0.05
  Cyclophosphamide, N (%)05 (15.2)10 (28.6)51 (36.4)0.001
  Methotrexate, N (%)01 (3.0)5 (14.3)27 (19.3)0.01
Rituximab, N (%)01 (3.0)1 (2.8)8 (5.8)0.05
  • p Values refer to χ2 test with 3 degrees of freedom.

  • *Comparing only patients who achieved a remission; p level is 0.02.

  • CS, corticosteroids.