Table 1. Allelic variants associated with non response to anti-TNF-alpha treatment according to BASDAI50 response criteria

SnpGeneRisk AlleleOR non-responderP-adjusted*
(95% CI)a
rs755622MIFG2.92 (1.41–6.03)0.003
rs917997IL18RAPA2.4 (1.32–4.35)0.005
rs1061622TNFRSF1BC2.12 (1.15–3.91)0.009
rs4343ACEG1.82 (1.05–3.13)0.016
rs4355801TNFRSF11BA1.79 (1.04–3.08)0.051
rs6060369UQCCA1.77 (1.03–3.02)0.032
rs3740691ARFGAP2A1.76 (1.03–3.02)0.031
rs331377ASPNG1.7 (1.01–2.84)0.043
rs3213718CALM1A1.72 (1.01–2.92)0.044
rs1800896IL10A1.69 (1.01–2.84)0.029
  • *p adjusted using single value permutation testing; a)P values and Odds Ratios (95% CI) were obtained from Chi-squared test of 2×2 tables of allele frequencies in non-responders versus responders.