Table 1. Summary of treatment effect on semen quality variables (FAS)

Semen quality variablePoint estimate (SE)90% CI
Total motility (%)-1.3 (4.3)-8.5; 5.9
Progressive motility (%)-2.1 (4.4)-9.5; 5.3
Nonprogressive motility (%)0.8 (1.1)-0.9; 2.6
Morphology (%): normal ovoid forms-2.1 (1.5)-4.7; 0.4
Vitality (%)0.5 (3.4)-5.2; 6.1
Semen volume (mL)-0.2 (0.4)-0.9; 0.5
Spermatozoa count (106)-26.4 (40.8)-94.4; 41.5
Concentration (106/mL)-3.9 (15.1)-29.0; 21.3
  • CI = Confidence Interval; FAS = Full Analysis Set; SE = Standard Error. Point estimate = difference between treatment and PBO least squares means at post-baseline visits.