Table 1

Demography and patient characteristics at enrolment

Atorvastatin + tofacitinib 10 mg bid (N=50)Placebo + tofacitinib 10 mg bid (N=47)
Female, n (%)45 (90)42 (89.4)
White, n (%)20 (40)22 (46.8)
Asian, n (%)25 (50)18 (38.3)
Age in years, mean (SD)51.5 (11.7)52.6 (11.4)
History of herpes zoster, n (%)*2 (4.0)1 (2.1)
LDL-cholesterol, mean (SD) mmol/l2.90 (0.78)2.97 (0.79)
 In US patients, mean (SD) mmol/l2.97 (0.82)3.07 (0.89)
 In Korean patients, mean (SD) mmol/l2.83 (0.75)2.79 (0.55)
HDL-cholesterol, mean (SD) mmol/l1.42 (0.39)1.46 (0.37)
 In US patients, mean (SD) mmol/l1.35 (0.41)1.42 (0.37)
 In Korean patients, mean (SD) mmol/l1.50 (0.36)1.52 (0.37)
Total cholesterol, mean (SD) mmol/l4.91 (1.02)5.09 (0.89)
 In US patients, mean (SD) mmol/l5.00 (1.05)5.16 (1.00)
 In Korean patients, mean SD) mmol/l4.82 (0.99)4.97 (0.67)
Tender joints (of 68 joints counted), mean (SD)23.2 (18.2)21.4 (14.8)
Swollen joints (of 66 joints counted), mean (SD)16.9 (12.7)15.3 (11.3)
CRP, mean (SD) mg/l33.2 (38.2)22.3 (27.0)
HAQ-DI, mean (SD)1.5 (0.74)1.5 (0.74)
DAS28-4(ESR), mean (SD)6.5 (1.3)6.5 (1.1)
  • *No patients had herpes zoster at study start.

  • bid, twice daily; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, disease activity score in 28 joints; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HAQ-DI, health assessment questionnaire–disability index; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.