Table 3

Results of analyses on the primary outcome: joint space width change measured on anteroposterior pelvis or target hip views using manual radiochondrometry, and rate of progressors, at 3 years, in the full analysis set, according to the MAR-MMRM analysis model

Placebo (n=179)ASU-E (n=166)p ValueOR/Diff95% CI
Change in JSW at the narrowest point (mm) (mean (SEM))−0.672 (0.066)−0.638 (0.070)0.723*0.034 (0.096)−0.156 to 0.224
Progressors (progressor=JS loss≥0.5 mm at 3 years) (%)50.340.40.040†1.6131.023 to 2.543
  • *ANOVA treatment effect.

  • †Cochran–Mantel–Haenzel test adjusted on stratum.

  • ASU-E, avocado–soybean unsaponifiable—Expanscience; JSW, joint space width; MAR-MMRM, Missing at Random–Mixed Model for Repeated Measurements; OR, odds ratio ASU-E versus placebo.