Table 2

Test characteristics of different cut-offs for the number of erosive joints with initiation of MTX or any DMARD during the first year as well as arthritis persistency over 5 years as outcome, in all early arthritis patients studied

Leiden-EAC (n=902)*ESPOIR (n=700)†
OutcomeN erosive jointsN patients (%)‡SensSpecPPVNPVLR+LR-AUCN patients (%)*SensSpecPPVNPVLR+LR-AUC
≥1 joint507 (56)0.770.570.530.791.780.410.67389 (56)0.600.510.670.431.230.780.56
≥2 joints387 (43)0.640.710.580.762.190.510.68261 (37)0.410.690.690.411.350.840.55
≥3 joints307 (34)0.510.770.580.712.190.630.64177 (25)0.290.800.710.401.480.880.55
≥4 joints227 (25)0.400.840.620.692.510.720.62133 (19)0.210.850.710.391.440.920.53
≥5 joints179 (20)0.320.880.640.672.740.770.6096 (14)0.160.900.730.391.610.930.53
≥1 joint507 (56)0.720.750.850.572.900.370.74389 (56)0.580.570.870.211.340.740.57
≥2 joints387 (43)0.570.860.890.504.030.500.72261 (37)0.400.750.880.201.560.810.57
≥3 joints307 (34)0.460.890.890.454.090.610.67177 (25)0.280.860.910.192.040.840.57
≥4 joints227 (25)0.350.930.910.425.210.700.64133 (19)0.210.900.910.192.040.880.55
≥5 joints179 (20)0.280.970.940.408.510.740.6296 (14)0.150.950.940.183.040.890.55
≥1 joint473 (54)0.600.640.850.311.670.620.62304 (56)0.590.560.850.251.340.730.58
≥2 joints358 (41)0.470.800.890.302.410.650.64202 (37)0.400.740.870.231.550.810.57
≥3 joints283 (33)0.380.850.900.282.630.720.62135 (25)0.270.850.880.221.780.860.56
≥4 joints209 (24)0.290.920.920.273.450.780.6098 (18)0.200.900.900.212.100.880.55
≥5 joints169 (19)0.240.950.940.264.550.810.5970 (13)0.150.960.940.213.950.880.56
  • This table describes the test characteristics when the cut-off of erosiveness was set at different number of erosive joints. Patients with equal or more number of erosive joints as specified were compared with patients with less erosive joints as specified. The predictive ability of each cut-off was tested against the initiation of MTX, any DMARD during the first year or disease persistency over 5 years.

  • *868 patients had sufficient follow-up to define persistency in the Leiden-EAC.

  • †538 patients had sufficient follow-up to define persistency in ESPOIR.

  • ‡Number and percentage of patients positive in this analysis.

  • AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; DMARD, disease modifying antirheumatic drug; ESPOIR, Étude et Suivi des POlyarthrites Indifférenciées Récentes; Leiden-EAC, Dutch Leiden-Early Arthritis Clinic; MTX, methotrexate; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.