Table 3

Comparison of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome with or without a positive interferon (IFN) type I signature

VariableNIFN type I signature category
PositiveNegativep Value
 Female gender, n (%)6934/38 (89)28/31 (90)0.908
 Age (years)6956.7±12.559.5±13.30.376
 Disease duration (years)6711.2±8.210.3±7.10.631
Laboratory parameters, n (%)
 Anti-SSA, n (%)6937/38 (97)21/31 (68)0.001
 Anti-Ro52, n (%)6935/38 (92)19/31 (61)0.002
 Anti-Ro60, n (%)6934/38 (89)13/31 (42)<0.001
 Anti-SSB, n (%)6932/38 (84)6/31 (19)<0.001
 Rheumatoid factor (IE/ml)5025 (0, 100)0 (0, 44)0.048
 C3 (g/l)461.06±0.201.27±0.330.012
 C4 (g/l)460.18 (0.13, 0.20)0.18 (0.14, 0.25)0.261
 IgG (g/l)6816.10 (13.15, 18.55)11.60 (10.6, 15.00)0.001
 IgA (g/l)543.20 (2.18, 4.25)2.44 (1.69, 4.20)0.179
 IgM (g/l)541.22 (0.78, 1.97)1.36 (1.07, 1.67)0.876
 CRP (mg/l)611.0 (0.0, 5.5)3.0 (1.0, 7.0)0.068
 Hb (mmol/l)607.95 (7.58, 8.33)8.25 (7.78, 8.80)0.159
 Thrombocytes (×10E9/l)51219.5 (199.3, 284.8)257 (221, 298)0.190
 Lymphocytes (×10E9/l)421.32±0.551.85±0.570.005
 Neutrophils (*10E9/l)413.09±1.184.42±1.780.014
Medical treatment
 Pilocarpine, n (%)6915/38 (39)12/31 (39)0.949
 Plaquenil, n (%)6923/38 (61)17/31 (55)0.636
 Corticosteroids, n (%)693/38 (8)1/31 (3)0.412
  • Values are the mean±SD, median (25% quartile–75% quartile), or number (%) of patients, depending on whether the data are normally distributed or not, and whether the data are continuous or dichotomous. When the data followed normal distribution, the independent t test was conducted; otherwise the Mann–Whitney U test was conducted.

  • CRP, C-reactive protein; Hb, haemoglobin.