Table 1

Baseline demographic, clinical and radiology data (N=60)

Adalimumab (N=30)Placebo (N=30)p Value
Women (%)86.783.30.704
BMI (kg/m2)±SD24.8±3.626.5±4.40.122
Age at baseline (years)±SD61.9±6.160.7±6.90.769
Disease duration (years)±SD9.6±6.114.4±8.80.016
Clinical data
AUSCAN pain±SD20.4±9.025.1±11.10.008
AUSCAN stiffness±SD5.1±2.35.5±2.60.322
AUSCAN function±SD48.4±20.254.1±21.00.006
No of tender joints*±SD3.3±2.75.0±3.70.014
No of palpable effusions*±SD3.2±3.02.5±2.50.201
Maximal grip strength
Dominant hand (kg)±SD18.4±9.619.4±10.10.398
Non-dominant hand (kg)±SD17.2±7.418.3±9.40.258
Analgesics and NSAID intake (N) (%)9.0 (30.0%)8.0 (26.7%)0.104
Radiological data
Phases at baseline (N=960)
‘N’/‘S’ (%) (N)81.7% (392/480)83.3% (400/480)0.201
‘J’ (%) (N)5.6% (27/480)6.0% (29/480)0.658
‘E’ (%) (N)7.7% (37/480)6.4% (31/480)0.456
‘R’ (%) (N)5.0% (24/480)4.0% (19/480)0.587
‘F’ (%) (N)0.0% (0/480)0.2% (1/480)0.920
Thumb base osteoarthritis
None (N)670.902
Mild (N)13110.811
Moderate/severe (N)11120.935
  • * Sixteen joints were assessed (proximal interphalangeal 2–5 and distal interphalangeal 2–5 of both hands; interphalangeal P1 is excluded).

  • Nine-hundred and sixty joints were assessed in 60 patients.

  • Thumb base osteoarthritis: none: if absent in both hands; mild–moderate/severe: if present in at least one hand; ‘E’ erosive; ‘F’ fusion; ‘J’ joint space loss; ‘N’ normal; ‘R’ remodelled; ‘S’ stationary non-erosive osteoarthritis.

  • Except where indicated otherwise, data shown are mean values; AUSCAN data scales: pain 0–50; stiffness: 0–10; function: 0–90.

  • BMI, body mass index; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.