Table 1

Demographics and clinical features by antibody status

ANA* (N=2085)Anti-Scl-70 (N=854)Anti-RNA Pol 3 (N=86)ACA (N=775)Anti-U1 RNP (N=120)Anti-U3 RNP (N=39)
Tested positive/tests performed (%)2085/2179 (95.7)854/1888 (45.2)86/867 (9.9)775/1778 (43.6)120/1243 (9.7)39/799 (4.9)
Female, n/N (%)1719/2085 (82.4)676/854 (79.2)70/86 (81.4)677/775 (87.4)91/120 (75.8)31/39 (29.5)
dcSSc, n/N (%) (95% CI)776/2070 (37.5) (35.4 to 39.6)557/848 (65.7) (62.4 to 68.9)37/85 (43.5) (32.8 to 54.7)91/770 (11.8) (9.6 to 14.3)34/119 (28.6) (20.7 to 37.6)10/38 (26.3) (13.4 to 43.1)
lcSSc, n/N (%) (95% CI)1071/2070 (51.7) (49.6 to 53.9)249/848 (29.4) (26.3 to 32.6)28/85 (32.9) (23.1 to 44.0)638/770 (82.9) (80.0 to 85.5)38/119 (31.9) (23.7 to 41.1)15/38 (39.5) (24.0 to 56.6)
Overlap SSc/mCTD, n/N (%) (95% CI)149/2070 (7.2) (6.1 to 8.6)17/848 (2.0) (1.2 to 3.2)14/85 (16.5) (9.3 to 26.1)23/770 (3.0) (1.9 to 4.5)40/119 (33.6) (25.2 to 42.8)12/38 (31.6) (17.5 to 48.7)
Age at enrolment, years, mean (95% CI)54.4 (53.8 to 55.0)52.4 (51.4 to 53.3)51.3 (48.4 to 54.2)58.1 (57.2 to 59.1)49.9 (47.4 to 52.5)48.5 (44.0 to 53.0)
Age at RP onset, years, mean (95% CI)39.7 (39.0 to 40.5)38.5 (37.5 to 39.6)37.6 (34.7 to 40.6)41.1 (39.9 to 42.3)35.7 (32.9 to 38.6)33.7 (28.5 to 38.9)
Age at first digital ulcer, years, mean (95% CI)46.6 (45.9 to 47.4)44.7 (43.6 to 45.7)44.1 (41.1 to 47.2)50.1 (48.9 to 51.3)42.6 (39.6 to 45.5)38.8 (33.6 to 44.0)
Time from onset of RP to first digital ulcer, years, mean (95% CI)6.6 (6.2 to 7.0)6.0 (5.4 to 6.6)6.1 (4.4 to 7.8)8.1 (7.3 to 9.0)6.5 (4.9 to 8.0)6.9 (3.5 to 10.4)
Time from first non-RP to first digital ulcer manifestation, years, mean (95% CI)3.6 (3.3 to 3.9)3.2 (2.9 to 3.6)3.6 (2.5 to 4.8)3.9 (3.4 to 4.5)3.8 (2.7 to 4.9)4.6 (1.9 to 7.4)
  • The denominator N varies according to the number of available observations.

  • * Antibody subsets are not mutually exclusive: one patient can have several antibodies and therefore contribute to several groups.

  • ACA, anticentromere antibodies; ANA, antinuclear antibodies; anti-Scl-70, anti-scleroderma-70 antibodies; anti-RNA Pol 3, anti-RNA polymerase 3; anti-U1 RNP, anti-U1 ribonucleoprotein; anti-U3 RNP, anti-U3 ribonucleoprotein; dcSSc, diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis; lcSSc, limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis; mCTD, mixed connective tissue disease; RP, Raynaud's phenomenon; SSc, systemic sclerosis.