Table 2

Baseline predictors of radiographic progression after 5 years

CoefficientCIp Value
All explanatory variables in the model
 (Intercept)−1.90−8.94 to 5.130.60
 Gender (male)−0.13−3.09 to 2.840.93
 Age (per year)0.08−0.04 to 0.190.20
 DAS28 (per unit)−0.07−1.20 to 1.050.90
 Anti-CCP (if positive)3.000.33 to 5.680.03
 MRI erosion score (per unit)0.13−0.82 to 1.070.79
 MRI synovitis score (per unit)−0.29−0.91 to 0.330.36
 MRI bone oedema score (per unit)0.830.45 to 1.22<0.001
 TSS (per unit)0.240.03 to 0.450.025
Only significant variables in the model
 (Intercept)0.16−2.02 to 2.350.88
 MRI bone oedema score (per unit)0.820.50 to 1.13<0.001
 Anti-CCP (if positive)3.010.37 to 5.650.03
 TSS (per unit)0.270.07 to 0.460.008
  • Initial and final model of multiple linear regression analysis with backward selection.

  • Anti-CCP, antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide (dichotomised value); DAS28, disease activity score based on 28 joint count; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and 4 variables; TSS, total Sharp score (van der Heijde modification).