Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patient population

M/F, n44/8
Mean (SD) age (years)56 (11)
Limited/diffuse cutaneous SSc, n32/20
Anticentromere antibody, n (%)21 (40)
Anti-SCL 70 antibody, n (%)18 (34)
Mean (SD) disease duration since first non-Raynaud’s phenomenon (years)6.6 (6.1)
Mean (SD) disease duration since Raynaud’s phenomenon (years)11.2 (10.4)
Interstitial lung disease on HRCT, n (%)25 (48)
Precapillary pulmonary arterial hypertension by right heart catheterisation, n (%)12 (23)
Palpitations, n5
Elevated serum cholesterol levels15
Current smokers9
Diabetes mellitus2
Body mass index >27 kg/m25
Mean (SD) inspiratory vital capacity (%)93 (15)
Mean (SD) total lung capacity (%)95 (14)
Mean (SD) Tlco (%)59 (25)
Current treatment, nCalcium channel blockers (n = 15); angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (n = 15); bosentan (n = 12); sildenafil (n = 1)
Prednisone, n (mean (SD) dose in mg)19 (11 (6))
Previous treatment by cyclophosphamide, n6
  • Data are mean (SD) or absolute number (%).

  • *Based on clinical data and creatine phosphokinase level.

  • HRCT, high-resolution CT of the chest; SSc, systemic sclerosis; Tlco, carbon monoxide transfer factor expressed as percentage of theoretical value.