Table 8 Conditional analysis of causal pathways for HLA-SE, CCP and erosion phenotypes in RA
Conditioned onOR0*OR1ORmhp Value
x and ySE and CCPErosion (z)4.5 (2.6–7.8)1.9 (1.1–3.3)3.0 (2.1–4.3)1.0×10−4
y and zCCP and erosionSE (x)6.0 (3.3–10.8)2.5 (1.6–4.0)3.5 (2.5–5.1)1.0×10−4
x and zSE and erosionCCP (y)2.2 (1.2–3.9)0.9 (0.6–1.5)1.4 (0.9–1.9)0.11
  • *OR0  =  Odds ratio for strata where conditioned on variable  = 0 (unexposed).

  • †OR1  =  Odds ratio for strata where conditioned on variable  = 1 (exposed).

  • ‡ORmh  =  Mantel-Haenszel odds ratio.

  • CCP, cyclic citrullinated peptide; HLA-SE, Human leukocyte antigen shared epitope; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; RF, rheumatoid factor.