Table 2 GUESS score in the study population
CasesControlsp value
Quadriceps tendon thickness >6.1 mm; N* (%)†18 (30)2 (3.3)0.0001
Suprapatellar bursitis; N (%)1 (1.6)00.8
Superior pole of patella erosion; N (%)001
Superior pole of patellar enthesophyte; N (%)41 (68.3)24 (40)0.005
Patellar ligament thickness >4 mm (inferior pole of patella); N (%)22 (36.6)14 (23.3)0.02
Inferior pole of patella erosion; N (%)001
Inferior pole of patella enthesophyte; N (%)20 (33.3)12 (20)0.01
Patellar ligament thickness >4 mm (insertion at the tibial tuberosity); N (%)21 (35)10 (16.7)0.01
Infrapatellar bursitis; N (%)001
Tibial tuberosity erosion; N (%)001
Tibial tuberosity enthesophyte; N (%)14 (23.3)1 (1.6)0.0001
Achilles tendon thickness >5.29 mm; N (%)10 (16.6)1 (1.6)0.0001
Retrocalcaneal bursitis; N (%)6 (10)00.0001
Posterior pole of calcaneus erosion; N (%)001
Posterior pole of calcaneus enthesophyte; N (%)54 (90)20 (33.3)0.0001
Plantar aponeurosis thickness >4.4 mm; N (%)3 (5)00.8
Inferior pole of calcaneus erosion; N (%)001
Inferior pole of calcaneus enthesophyte; N (%)23 (38.3)22 (36.6)0.8
  • *N is the number of entheseal sites resulted abnormal according to the GUESS score.

  • †(%) is the prevalence entheseal sites abnormalities in the case and control population respectively.