Table 1

 Characteristics of patients

CharacteristicMenWomenp Value
Results are shown as mean (SEM).
DIP, distal interphalangeal joint; PIP, proximal interphalangeal joint; JSN, joint space narrowing; OST, osteophyte.
Number of patients85404
Age65.8 (1.0)65.7 (0.5)0.96
Height (cm)171.9 (0.7)159.2 (0.3)0.00
Weight (kg)78.1 (1.3)67.1 (0.7)0.00
Body mass index (kg/m2)26.4 (0.4)26.4 (0.2)0.99
Heberden’s node severity10.2 (0.6)11.3 (0.2)0.07
Bouchard’s node severity2.6 (0.3)2.9 (0.1)0.25
Summated DIP JSN score7.9 (0.7)11.3 (0.3)0.00
Summated DIP OST score12.2 (0.7)12.3 (0.4)0.93
Summated PIP JSN score3.7 (0.4)4.5 (0.2)0.13
Summated PIP OST score3.7 (0.4)4.5 (0.2)0.13