Table 2

 Frequency of symptomatic osteoarthritis at the various joint sites in the probands and siblings with familial osteoarthritis at multiple sites of the 191 sibling pairs included in the GARP study

Joints involvedProbands (%)Siblings (%)
*p<0.05, probands v siblings.
CMC1, first carpometacarpal joint; DIP, distal interphalangeal joint; PIP, proximal interphalangeal joint.
Affected sites with symptomatic osteoarthritis
Hand148 (77)128 (67)*
DIP, PIP, or CMC1127 (66)113 (59)
DIP93 (49)74 (39)*
PIP81 (42)66 (35)
CMC157 (30)47 (25)
Spine145 (76)159 (83)
Hip49 (26)44 (23)
Knee70 (37)60 (31)
Combination of sites with symptomatic osteoarthritis (%)
Hand–spine112 (59)105 (55)
Hand–knee48 (25)34 (18)
Hand–hip28 (15)23 (12)
Knee–spine51 (27)53 (28)
Hip–spine39 (20)39 (20)
Hip–knee16 (8)13 (7)