Table 2

 Characteristics of the study population

VariableAnti-CCP positive patients (n = 10)Anti-CCP negative patients (n = 124)p Value
Values are mean (SD) nor n (%).
*Value with Yates’ correction.
AKA, anti-keratin antibodies; anti-CCP, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; IgG, immunoglobulin G; SSA/B, Sjögren’s syndrome antibodies, type A/type B
Age (years)49.5 (11.5)56.8 (13.7)0.11
Disease duration (years)10.1 (5.7)11.0 (6.7)0.65
Synovitis2 (20%)34 (27.4%)0.9*
Extraglandular involvement2 (20%)49 (39.5%)0.5*
ESR (mm/h)31.1 (22.1)32.1 (27.7)0.91
Serum IgG (g/l)17.1 (9.5)16.6 (8.2)0.87
AKA5 (50%)2 (1.6%)<0.001*
Rheumatoid factor7 (70%)73 (58.9%)0.9*
Anti-SSA6 (60%)73 (58.9%)>0.9*
Anti-SSB3 (30%)47 (37.9%)>0.9*
Focus score ⩾18 (80%)97 (78.2%)>0.9*