Table 2

 Cardiovascular causes of death grouped by ICD9 /ICD 10 coding

Cardiovascular main causes of deathICD-9 codesICD-10 codesFemale (n)Male (n)All RA (n)
ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; MI, myocardial infarction; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.
Chronic rheumatic heart disease393–398I05–I09202
Hypertensive disease401–405I10–I15404
Acute MI410I21, I22462672
Acute/subacute IHD411I24101
Chronic IHD414I25361652
Ischaemic heart disease (total)410–414I20–I258362125
Pulmonary circulation415–417I26–I28639
Other forms of heart disease420–429I30–I5217522
Cerebrovascular disease430–438I60–I6940848
Disease of arteries, arterioles, and capillaries440–448I70–I79448
Diseases of veins and lymphatics and other diseases of the circulatory system451–459I80–I89202
Other unspecified circulatory disordersI95–I99000
Total number of cardiovascular disease deaths390–459I00–I9915862220