Table 1

Effects of p53 gene and immobilisation (IM) on the tibial bone and bone marrow cells

Data are presented as the mean (SD) of five to six mice.
*p<0.05 v control p53+/+; †p<0.05 versus immobilised p53+/+ mice, by the Mann-Whitney U test. The values of control p53−/− are not significantly different from those of control p53+/+.
BV/TV, bone volume to tissue volume; Tb.N, trabecular number; Tb.Th, trabecular thickness; BFR/BS, ratio of bone formation rate to bone surface; AP positive CFU-f: alkaline phosphatase positive colony formation unit-fibroblast.
BV/TV (%)12.3 (0.7)9.5 (0.9)*13.1 (1.2)12.4 (0.8)†
Tb.N (/mm2)4.4 (0.3)3.7 (0.5)*4.7 (0.5)4.5 (0.2)†
Tb.Th (µm)28.1 (1.7)28.5 (1.7)30.9 (1.4)31.6 (3.5)
BFR/BS (µm-%/day)39.4 (3.5)22.7 (1.9)*41.0 (4.1)36.3 (3.0)†
AP positive CFU-f (No/culture)40.2 (4.9)30.3 (4.9)*46.5 (5.1)54.5 (3.0)†
Mineralised nodule formation (% of dish area)92.5 (4.1)71.3 (10.7)*90.3 (7.0)94.4 (3.9)