Table 4

Changes in four outcome variables by treatment group

Baseline at the original studyAt the end of the present study
Ciprofloxacin group (n=26)Placebo group (n=27)Ciprofloxacin group (n=26)Placebo group (n=27)p Value
*Mean (SD); †median (IQR); ‡number of patients (%).
ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; VAS, visual analogue scale. p Value refers to the difference between the ciprofloxacin and placebo groups at the present study.
ESR (mm/1st h)*56.6 (27.1)68.6 (26.2)8.0 (7.7)9.8 (8.5)0.42
Patient’s global assessment (VAS)*33.3 (19.0)29.8 (17.0)9.6 (11.5)16.1 (17.7)0.170
Ritchie index6.7 (3.3)*5.9 (2.9)*0 (0–0)†0 (0–2)†0.211
Complete recovery (%)‡0024 (92)16 (59)0.006