Table 1

 Baseline demographics of 21 patients with systemic sclerosis who had catheter proven pulmonary artery hypertension and who underwent cold hand immersion

TypeNo pulmonary fibrosisPulmonary fibrosis present
Values are mean (2SD) or n.
ACA, anticentromere antibody; DLCO, % predicted transfer factor for carbon monoxide; F, female; M, male; NYHA, New York Heart Association functional class; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; TLC, total lung capacity.
NYHA grade III dyspnoea49
Age (years)58 (7)54 (6)
Duration (years)7 (4)9 (4)
DLCO (%)56.2 (3.6)47.3 (5.1)
TLC (%)68 (5.3)57 (9.4)
PASP (mm Hg)47 (4)45 (3)
AutoantibodyAll ACA+5 Scl70+