Table 4

Secondary end points 35 days after enrolment and changing from baseline values according to treatment group

At day 35Crude change from baseline
EndpointCorticosteroid* (No of missing data)Placebo* (No of missing data)Corticosteroid (n=43)Placebo (n=42)Treatment effect [95% CI]
*Missing data are handled by applying an LOCF procedure (last observation carried forward). Results are expressed as means (SD) calculated once the LOCF procedure has been applied. We also specify the number of missing data in each group.
†A positive value means improvement.
Pain VAS (mm)22.1 (20.1)(10)24.8 (25.7)(12)−30.3 (29.7)−25.2 (33.8)−5.1[−18.7 to 8.4]
Schober’test (cm)†2.86 (0.74)(25)3.33 (0.74)(26)0.65 (0.96)0.60 (1.13)0.05[−0.40 to 0.49]
SLR test (degree)†67.3 (21.7)(11)69.7 (20.5)(12)18.4 (22.3)16.3 (19.5)2.1[−6.8 to 11.0]
Dallas pain questionnaire:
    Daily activities31.2 (23.5)(9)39.6 (28.7)(13)−27.8 (29.6)−22.1 (30.7)−5.7[−18.5 to 7.1]
    Work-leisure activities40.6 (29.7)(10)46.7 (32.2)(15)−28.6 (33.6)−21.3 (34.1)−7.3[−21.7 to 7.1]
    Anxiety-depression15.9 (22.7)(10)25.5 (27.5)(13)−8.8 (36.2)−3.6 (27.7)−5.3[−19.0 to 8.4]
    Social interest13.5 (16.7)(10)20.2 (19.1)(14)−12.7 (23.8)−0.6 (21.1)−12.1[−21.6 to −2.5]
Roland-Morris index8.5 (5.4)(9)9.1 (5.4)(13)−5.3 (7.3)−3.2 (6.3)−2.1[−5.0 to 0.8]