Table 8

FDA guidance on design and conduct for RA trials

ClaimDurationEnd point(s)
AIMS, Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales; ACR, American College of Rheumatology; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; RA, rheumatoid arthritis.
Reduction in signs and symptoms of RA≥6 Months or 3 months if the product belongs to an already well characterised pharmacological class (e.g., NSAIDs)Composite end points, such as ACR 20 or Paulus criteria (1990), or well accepted signs/symptoms measures (i.e., joint pain, tenderness, and swelling, using a 66 or 28 joint count, and global assessments
Major clinical response≥7 MonthsACR 70 for 6 consecutive months
Complete clinical response≥1 YearRemission by ACR criteria and radiographic arrest by Larsen or modified Sharp method for 6 consecutive months
Remission≥1 YearRemission by ACR criteria and radiographic arrest by Larsen or modified Sharp method for >6 consecutive months while not receiving any antirheumatic treatment
Prevention of disability2–5 YearsHAQ or AIMS and SF-36 in addition to demonstration of improvement of signs and symptoms
Prevention of structural damage1 YearSlowing x ray progression using either Larsen or Modified Sharp, or other validated radiographic index in addition to one of the other claims