Table 4

Classification concordance by sets of items, without self reported diagnosis, selected by logistic modelling in case-control comparisons against a standard of clinical diagnosis or classification criteria

Clinical diagnosisClassification criteria
Selected itemsConcordance (%)Goodness of fit* (p value)Selected itemsConcordance (%)Goodness of fit* (p value)
*Goodness of fit test by Hosmer-Lemeshow test (see “Patients and methods” section); a higher p value is expected to show the fit of the model to the data.
Rheumatoid arthritisRheumatoid arthritis
    Joint pain90.4    Joint pain89.7
    Neck, back, or low back pain0.44    Neck, back, or low back pain0.005
    Joint swelling    Hands affected
    Morning joint stiffness    Morning joint stiffness
    Nodules    Nodules
    Rheumatoid factor positive    Rheumatoid factor positive
    Hand and wrist x rays performed    Hand and wrist x rays performed
    Back or pelvis x ray performed    Back or pelvis x ray performed
    Personal history of pain in buttocks    Family history of longlasting diarrhoea
    Family history of longlasting diarrhoea
    Joint pain79.1    Joint pain80.6
    Legs affected0.32    Legs affected0.17
    Nodules    Nodules
    Morning back stiffness    Morning back stiffness
    More than 3 joints affected    Personal history of psoriasis
    Personal history of psoriasis    Personal history of pain in the heel
    Personal history of pain in the heel    Family history of spondylitis
    Personal history of pain in buttocks    Family history of uveitis
    Family history of spondylitis