Table 1

Correlations between osteophyte grades and joint space narrowing grades in local compartment and the other compartment. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (rs) are shown

Joint space narrowing
Site of osteophyteLateral TFJMedial TFJLateral PFJMedial PFJ
TFJ, tibiofemoral joint; PFJ, patellofemoral joint.
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
Lateral femur 0.16* 0.12 0.22**−0.09
Lateral tibia 0.14* 0.14 0.16* 0.01
Medial femur−0.18** 0.44** 0.04−0.06
Medial tibia−0.18* 0.57**−0.14 0.01
Lateral patella−0.16* 0.02 0.52**−0.13
Lateral trochlea−0.02−0.04 0.51** 0.12
Medial patella−0.19** 0.24**−0.13 0.06
Medial trochlea−0.14 0.21**−0.01−0.13