Table 7

Prevalence of the different clinical and serological features among the two disease subsets

Manifestation (%) lSSc dSSc
1 Generalised complaints5360
2 Joints/tendons7088
Tendon rubs 6 23
 Muscle weakness2127
Flexion contractures 16 46
Acro-osteolysis 16 29
3 Skin100100
 Skin sclerosis9495
Melanoderma 23 51
 Atrophic skin ulcers3843
 Vasculitic lesions59
 Sicca syndrome7-150 2825
4 Heart/lung9093
 Interstitial involvement (x ray)6772
Reduced FVC7-151 16 44
Reduced Tlco 7-151 45 58
 Heart failure33
5 Peripheral vascular system9697
 Arterial hypertension1917
 Raynaud's phenomenon9291
 Digital pitting6262
Digital necrosis 13 22
6 Gastrointestinal apparatus7681
7 Nervous system2619
 Headache/trigeminal neuropathy115
8 Routine laboratory tests
 ESR7-151 >30 mm/1st h2527
 High CRP7-151 1119
 High LDH7-151 1012
 High CK7-151 79
 Low C3/C41316
  • 7-150 Both xerostomia and xerophthalmia.

  • 7-151 FVC = forced vital capacity; Tlco = carbon monoxide transfer factor; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP = C reactive protein; LDH = lactic dehydrogenase; CK = creatine kinase.