Table 2

Effect of increasing the concentration of polymeric sodium metaphosphate (SMP) on human chondrocytes by tetrazolium salt (MTT) assay

SMP solution2-150(mg/ml)
0126 15
% Metabolically active cells (mean (SD))2-151 10095 (3.2)91 (3.6)59.4 (4.3)50 (7.6)
  • 2-150 SMP was dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS; 280–300 mmol/kg, pH 7.4).

  • 2-151 Values were expressed as a percentage of metabolically active cells as compared with controls.

  • MTT test measures the number of metabolically active cells by a colorimetric technique. The data represent the mean results of four separate experiments. The control cultures were obtained by incubating cells with PBS for 24 hours.