Table 1

Results of immunostaining of thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in different matrix locations

Normal cartilage (n=7)Mild OA (n=7)Moderate OA (n=7)Severe OA (n=9)
TSP-1 protein interterritorial−/++/+++++++++
TSP-1 protein pericellular++++++++++
TSP-1 RNA expressing chondrocytes (%)5.6 (2.6)13.1 (4.7)4.9 (3.0)0.04.8 (1.1)14.8 (8.2)4.0 (2.8)0.028.5 (8.8)1-150 5.7 (2.7)1.3 (1.6)10.5 (10.3)5.0 (1.7)0.0
CD36 positive chondrocytes (%)38.0 (23.4)20.2 (13.2)6.4 (3.5)0.86 (1.6)54.0 (26.4)26.5 (24.5)5.0 (5.45)1.75 (1.6)50.9 (14.8)1-150 36.3 (26.4)1-150 2.8 (1.8)80.0 (17.5)1-150 61.4 (35.5)1-150 4.6 (2.8)1-150
  • SZ = superficial zone; MZ = middle zone; DZ = deep zone; CC = calcified cartilage. Intensity of immunostaining is represented by − (absent) to ++++ (very strong). Percentages of TSP-1 RNA expressing chondrocytes and CD36 immunostained chondrocytes in different cartilage zones are given as means (SEM).

  • 1-150 Indicates a significant difference in Student'st test compared with normal cartilage (p<0.05).