Table 3

Biopsy confirmed and negative biopsy temporal arteritis: biological characteristics

VariableNegative biopsy (n=85)Positive biopsy (n=207)pTest used
Sedimentation rate (mm 1st h)81.8 (26.8)88 (27.5)0.05 t test
C reactive protein (mg/l)64 (2–200)84 (2–431)0.048Wilcoxon
Fibrinogen (g/l)6.19 (1.65)6.46 (1.70)0.22 t test
Haemoglobin (g/l)118.23 (16.88)111 (15.61)0.001 t test
Mean globular volume (fl)90 (78–111)87 (68–104)0.0004Wilcoxon
Serum iron (μmol/l)8 (0.7–26)7 (0.7–32)0.05Wilcoxon
Platelet count (109/l)353 (167–700)424 (177–1051)0.0041Wilcoxon
  • A t test has been computed for all the normally distributed variables, and a Wilcoxon rank sum test has been computed when the distribution was not normal. The mean (SD) are given for the normally distributed variables, and the median and the extremes are given for the other variables.