Table 2

Differential diagnosis of chronic wrist pain with most discriminating features in the history, examination and imaging for each diagnosis

Fracturetraumatic eventpoint tendernessSR, SV (carpal tunnel) or CT
Ligament tearclicking, (unnoticed) traumatic eventpoint tenderness
ST: Watson’s test (scaphoid),
SR: malalignement (lateral “zigzag”) or dissociation carpal bones
McMurray’s test (TFCC)AG: leakage between different compartments of wrist
DRUJ subluxationpainful pronation and supinationprominent ulnar headSR: lateral view unreliable
ST: DRUJ compression during pro- and supinationCT: axial view
Arthritisspontaneous swelling, symptomatology other joints or systemic complaintsswelling, warmth, erythema, decreased painful range of movementSV: decreased mineralisation, cortical interruption or crystal deposits
US: hydrops or synovial proliferation
US punction/biopsy
Osteoarthritis(gradually) progressive pain and stiffnessdecreased passive range of movement, crepitusSR: with PA oblique (CMC-I, STT) or AP oblique (pisotriquetral)
ST: (pisiform) Grind test
(osteoid osteoma)(pain at night, relief of salicylates)CT/MRI: determining extent lesion and effect on surrounding neurovascular structures
(SR/CT: nidus with radiolucent or sclerotic centre)
Ganglialocalised painful swellingtense discrete subcutaneous swellingUS: anechoic cyst area
MRI: occult or intraosseus
Avascular necrosispain without swellingdecreased painful range of movementSR: subtly increased radiodensity
BS: increased uptake
MRI: abnormal
(carpal boss)(swelling base 2nd or 3th metacarpal)(tender bony prominence)(SV: carpal boss view)
Neuropathyparesthesia, nocturnal excacerbation of symptoms, metabolic diseaseatrophySR: PA view
ST: Tinel and Phalen tests, diagnostic lidocaine injection (neuroma)SV: carpal tunnel view
EMG: abnormal nerve conduction time
US: swelling/flattening median nerve and increased palmar bowing retinaculum
Tendinopathyburning pain, highly repetitious and forceful motionsswelling, crepitus, snapping,SR: calcifications
ST: isometric function tests, forced stretching (Finkelstein’s test)US: thickened tendon with peritendinous effusions
  • (ST: stress test, ND: non-discriminating, SR: standard radiograph, SV: supplemental view, EMG: electromyelogram, AG: arthrography, US; ultrasonography, BS: bone scan, MRI: magnetic resonance imaging).