Table 2

AM scintigraphy results in patients of group 1

Main cardiac abnormalityNumberECG abnormalitiesEchographic LV dysfunctionAM +
Symptomatic patients
APO or sub-APO84/88/88/8
Syncope (related to atrial flutter)11/11/11/1
Palpitations (ventricular premature beats)22/21*/21*/2
Chest pain11/10/10/1
Asymptomatic patients
Echographic LV dysfunction43/44/41/4
Pericardial effusion32/30/30/3
ECG abnormalities66/60/61/6
CPK-MB increase (31 UI/l, normal values <10)11/10/10/1
  • APO: acute pulmonary oedema. *LV dysfunction and AMA positivity in the same patient. LV dysfunction and AMA positivity in two different patients. ECG abnormalities: electrocardiographic abnormalities. CPK-MB: myocardial creatin phosphokinase enzyme.